Getting a membership to the club is very easy.

All everyone has to do is pop in and pick up a membership form and fill it out.

If you know people who are members then ask them to propose you and it should be cleared at the next committee meeting.

Why become a member?

A question regularly asked and not an easy one to answer......

But here is my answer:

This club was built for the community and the more support it receives, then more improvements can be made.

The more members that join and use the club it helps keeps the cost down. (especially the drink)

My biggest answer is where else can you join for less than 10 pence a week on the renewal price.

First time members, less than 12 pence a week.

For that cost if you book the hall out for a special event, birthday, anniversary or for any other reason you save £50.

The main reason for the club is to show support and keep it going for generations to come.

In today's society where else could you take your whole family out, including the children.

The only thing we ask is that everyone respects the club and takes responsibility for their children not to upset other members.

Other than that have fun and enjoy yourself and make friends.


Other Reasons:

We try to keep the prices down - You can buy 3 pints for less than £10. (including our dearest draught beer)

We are Local - So you could walk to the club and back unless you want to pay for a taxi.

You become a friend to all rather than a strange face at a bar.